There are many 21 in Belgium?[/quote]
The color is original Renault, iceberg grey, repainted in februari this year.
There are only 5 renault 21T's left in belgium (road legal), but many gts, txe and diesels.
[quote="SAS_8";p="24638"]This 21 is AMAZING!!!

Thank you
[quote="jc-nevado";p="24639"]your 21 is absolutely gorgeous, congratulations!
if you have the blueprints of electric circuits of ANY of the diff. 21s we would be very gratefull if you could send them... the 21s we have are txi, txe, gtx, glx, and there is one gti in the club, the thing is that our txi are not the same as those in europe, here we don't have 12v cilinderheads
nice pics
see you[/quote]
i can get the prints from the electrical circuits, no problem at all. Most off the time you have the dashbord loom and interior and a seperate engine loom. I dont think there is much diff. in the loom from the 8v or 12v. The valve's has nothing to do with the electrical circuit. The only diff. will be carburetor and elec. ecu.
I see what i can do for you.
What i also have is the partbook (on cd) from the europacup car. I can send that to one off you guy's and you can make copy's for who's interested.